If you've been to IKEA's cafeteria, you're familiar with those Sweedish meatballs covered in gravy goodness!
We've tried them at our house with a side of baked fries made of zucchinis. The fries were made of egg, parmesam cheese and then they were they were Shaked-and Baked! Zucchini's are usually bland and borning, but since this is a more funner version of zucchini, they're called....
Zookini Fries!
The dip is mainly of fresh diced jalepenos, sweet corn, Jack cheese, honey and yogurt .
I actually did tell my husband to
I actually did tell my husband to
"Eat as much zookini fries as you want and pile on the dip!"
and the main event of the night...
Sweedish Meatballs!
Together, the Sweedish Meatballs and zookini fries is a...
SWEEEEEEEt-DISH meatball dinner! :)
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